Small and middle-sized companies are one of the backbones of German economic performance. But most of these companies aren’t aware of the dangers of cyber attacks. Some of them think they wouldn’t get attacked, because they are not a high value target, and others think it’s to expensive to establish a good defence against cyberattacks.

The Projekt ELITE wants to tackle those mindsets and to establish awareness how different types of cyberattacks can be identified. It provides a flexible demonstrator-platform (IT-Sec.PopUp-Lab), which allows to showcase different cyberattack-scenarios and keeps them up to date. For that purpose demonstrations with different kind of attacks are going to be designed and implemented into the platform, to show how dangerous different types of an attack can be and how easy it can be to defend yourself in some cases. Because most of the time a well trained employee can detect most threats and therefore avoid bad consequences for the company. For that reason the platform provides additionally information, in the form of courses and teaching material, how the specific attack-scenarios work and how the users can defend their systems against them. The IT-Sec.PopUp-Lab and its demonstrators are going to be presented in different exhibitions in the near future.


Visit the ELITE demonstrator-plattform at https://elite.fbi.h-da.de/ and browse the teaching material on varios topics. Please note that the demos require a special client configuration. More details will be published in the near future.
